Professor Thomas T. Sekine
Thomas T. Sekine
studied economics in Japan and in Canada before finishing his Ph.D. at the London School of Economics and Political Science. During his studies in Japan, he attended lectures of the famous economic theorist Kôzô Uno, who was professor at Tokyo university and whose theory created an own important academic school, the so-called Uno school. Sekine taught at York University in Canada and elsewhere in the West. After that he was Professor of Economics in the School of Commerce, Aichi Gakuin University in Japan. He has written on Marxian economic theory, method of economics, and current economic issues in Japan and the world, both in English and Japanese.
Professor Sekine passed away in 2022.
Publications (Selection)
- “Uno-Riron: A Japanese Contribution to Marxian Political Economy”, in: Journal of Economic Literature 13 (1975), pp. 847–877.
- The Dialectic of Capital. A Study of the Inner Logic of Capitalism (1984/1986), 2 vols., reprinted in 2020 [external link], paperback edition 2021 [external link].
- An Outline of the Dialectic of Capital (1997), 2 vols.
- Towards a Critique of Bourgeois Economics (2013).
- Marx, Uno and the Critique of Economics. Towards an Ex-Capitalist Transition (2023, posthumously) [external link].
- Kôzô Uno: Principles of Political Economy. Theory of a Purely Capitalist Society (1980; first published in Japanese in 1964 as: Keizai Genron).
- Kôzô Uno: The Types of Economic Policies under Capitalism (2016, translation of the last – enlarged and revised – Japanese edition of 1971, reprinted in 1974 – without index – as vol. 7 of the Japanese Collected Works of Kôzô Uno; first published in Japanese in 1936 as: Keizai Seisakuron), available as hardcover [external link] and paperback [external link] edition.
Online Resources
- Interview with Thomas T. Sekine: Unoist Approach to New Economics
- Thomas T. Sekine: Marx’s Economics Revived. Introduction to Uno-Sekine Approach
- Ken Kubota: “The Dialectical Presentation of the General Notion of Capital in the Light of Hegel’s Philosophy: On the Logical Analysis of Political Economy with Special Consideration of Adorno and the Research Results of Rubin, Backhaus, Reichelt, Uno, and Sekine”
- Ken Kubota: Philosophical Bibliography
List of Publications
Thomas T. Sekine