(selection, in reverse chronological order)
- Hegel and the Left: Hegel-Marx (dialectics, method), Hegel-Adorno (identity, non-identity), Oct. 2020.
- Thomas T. Sekine and Marx’s Approach (with announcement of The Dialectic of Capital), Oct. 2020.
- Representing type dependencies in Isabelle/HOL and in dependent type theory, Jul. 2020.
- Homology between Hegel’s Logic and Marx’s Capital, Jul. 2020.
- Metamath, Isabelle/HOL, Coq, Lean (General debate initiated by Kevin Buzzard on formalizing mathematics: Where is the fashionable mathematics?), Feb. 2020. (Other mailing lists: HOL, Coq (part 1), Coq (part 2).)
- Žižek on Hegel and Adorno – Philosophical Bibliography [2019], Dec. 2019.
- Antonio Wolf’s Hegel blog “The Empyrean Trail” and German Daniel Castiglioni’s Spanish article “Six Theses for Interpreting ‘Capital’ in Light of Hegel’s Logic”, Dec. 2019.
- Backhaus/Reichelt and the Uno-Sekine school, Apr. 2019. (Other mailing lists: Hegel-Marx.)
- Type abstraction, Sep. 2018.
- The Principle of Mathematical Induction, Jul. 2018. (Other mailing lists: Coq.)
- The three levels of analysis in the Uno-Sekine approach, and the critique of the premature reference to labor (Andy Blunden’s review), Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: Hegel-Logic and Hegel-Marx.)
- “Damage Control: Adorno, Los Angeles, and the Dislocation of Culture” by Nico Israel, Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: Hegel-Hegelians.)
- The structure of Sekine: The Dialectic of Capital [Sekine, 1986], Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: Hegel-Logic and Hegel-Marx.)
- Mark Edward Meaney – Capital as organic unity: The role of Hegel’s “Science of Logic” in Marx’s “Grundrisse”, Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: Hegel-Logic and Hegel-Marx.)
- The prohibition of the contradiction and the imperative (necessity) of the contradiction, Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: Hegel-Logic and Hegel-Marx.)
- The labour theory of value, Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: Hegel-Logic and Hegel-Marx.)
- Literature on Hegel’s Science of Logic, in particular Hegel’s Logic of Essence, and on Marx’s Theory of Value, Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: Hegel-Logic and Hegel-Marx.)
- The two characteristics of an antinomy: self-reference and negation, Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: HOL and Metamath.)
- Type Theory vs. Set Theory (HOL, Isabelle/HOL, Q0, and R0 vs. ZFC), Jun. 2018. (Other mailing lists: HOL and Metamath.)
- Logical Frameworks and the Foundations of Mathematics, May 2018. (Other mailing lists: HOL and Metamath.)
- Binding the type variable in the Axiom of Choice, Mar. 2018. (Other mailing lists: HOL.)
- Formalization, semantic and syntactic approach, Aug. 2017.
- Coquand on HOL; similarity to Q, Jul. 2017.
- Software Implementation of the Mathematical Logic R0 Available for Download, May 2017. (Other mailing lists: HOL and Coq, Metamath.)
- Comparison of Metamath and Q0, Apr. 2017.
- Publication of the Mathematical Logic R0: Mathematical Formulae, Apr. 2017. (Other mailing lists: HOL and Coq.)
- On the natural language of formal logic and mathematics, Feb. 2017. (Other mailing lists: Coq.)
- Group theory, expressed with type abstraction, Nov. 2016.
- The definitional principles of HOL and equivalent mechanisms in Q0/R0, Oct. 2016. (Other mailing lists: HOL.)
- Type abstraction (binding type variables with lambda), Oct. 2016. (Other mailing lists: HOL.)
- Allowing several types for mathematical entities (and comparison with PVS), Oct. 2016. (Other mailing lists: HOL.)
- On the question of expressiveness/reducibility, Sep. 2016. (Other mailing lists: HOL.)
- Lambda-Conversion is a rule; Avoiding non-logical axioms (Axiom of Choice, Axiom of Infinity), Aug. 2016. (Other mailing lists: HOL.)
- The two properties (self-reference and negativity) of an antinomy (paradox), Jul. 2016.
- Corrections of and amendments to prior publications on Goedel’s First Incompleteness Theorem; Russell O’Connor’s definitions for its proof in Peter B. Andrews’ logic Q0; Comparison of the proofs by O’Connor and Paulson, Jul. 2016. (Other mailing lists: HOL and Coq.)
- Description of the higher-order logic Q0 (simple type theory), Jul. 2015.